Leading the Field
Providing individuals and corporations practical steps for ultimate conversion of potential into tangible results.
Every leader knows that they are only as strong as their weakest link, therefore they ensure that every team member has the right tools to be successful as individuals so that they can complement the corporate team. Our goal at IN FORM LIFE FITNESS is to help each member of your team become the best possible individual which translates to increased personal and work satisfaction, increased profitability and work efficiency, and overall happier and healthier employees.

Our Story
After years of working 1:1 with clients that commuted to NYC from Fairfield County, we realized that there was a great need to better serve those men and women. Those clients usually had tremendous stress that came from their commute, their work, and personal life. The idea was to establish a physical location across the Fairfield train station to provide elite service to commuters focusing on movement, mindset conditioning, nutrition, and anything else that would supplement their life in a positive way. Our name was no accident, The Train Station Clubs (TTS Clubs for short) was intended to be a play of words for our proximity to a train station and our services that offer training/coaching to clients. Now IN FORM LIFE FITNESS. As in many cases, the pandemic that began in early 2020 derailed The Train Station Clubs' plan to establish a physical location but it also created the opportunity to serve an audience across the world through its virtual platform. Since March of 2020, we have been serving clients across the United States and parts of Europe.

Effective, Successful, & Growth-Minded Leaders Invest In Themselves And In Their Team.
Success Is No Accident, It's The Result Of Consistent Effective Action Steps.
A study done with employees that utilized health coaching services, showed a reduction in prescription drug costs by an average of 3.6% per person per month. Admission to hospitals also decreased by more than 10%
In a different study, participants in a 12-week coaching group, showed dramatic reduction burnout rates, they also increased work performance throughout.

Benefits & Pricing
Physical Conditioning
Mindset Conditioning
Low-Inflammatory Nutrition
Workplace Productivity & Enjoyment
1:1 Coaching
Group Coaching
Live Classes
Restorative Movement
Improve Strength
Fat Loss
Improve Cardiovascular Health
Reduce Stress
Improve Thinking
Improve Mood
Build Resilience
Improve Creativity
Better Problem-Solving Skills
Increase Open Mindedness
Improve Awareness
Weight & Fat Loss
Improve Health
Improve Relationship with Food
Reduce Chronic Pain
Improve Your Skin and Sleep
Promote Brain and Gut Function
Become More Effective at Work
Enjoy What You Do
Improve Creativity
Become a Better Leader
Become Better at Goal Setting & Achievement
See Financial Growth